I’m 32 worked in finance for over 11 yes
Admissions Megathread - Results, Chances and Logistics
Which one is better? Give a developer specs to develop prototype or code it myself(even though I am beginner) and get them to enhance it?[I will not promote]
Georgia tech MOOC edx so expensive
What is the most disappointing landmark in Australia?
Should I believe bootcamps like Codesmith who still claim grads land mid or senior SWE roles in today’s market
How can I cope with my partner doing fifo for the first time?
How to tell boss and some coworkers they smell like smoke
Interview Task Help: AR Object Recognition App in Unity – No AR/VR Experience
AR in Unity, how/where to begin?
In 33 days, I’m leaving my home, family, and everything behind to start a new life! [I will not promote]
Integrating AI with Unity: Facing Roadblocks! Need Insights
Excluded from Project Meetings as a Graduate Engineer
Beaches QLD or WA
I Can’t Fit in with the Aussies at Work
Is it possible to live with 3400 dollars a month
Concrete Finish is TBD
Hair Drug Test am I Screwed
Is the typical office hour 8:30-5:30 in Australia?
Bombed Codility OA at NAB
Why does everyone hate the cowboys
What happened to Khalil Mack. He was talked about as the best pass rusher. When in Chicago. Now he's not talked about as much. Did he drop in production?
Student visa offshore after 485 visa
Have you traveled in Latin America and which country or cities did you like most from an Australian point of view?
I’m wondering how Physics is popular in Quant firms