What’s a company slogan that would be terrible if taken literally?
What movie most accurately represents Ancient Rome?
Object to your left just doubled in size. What is the outcome?
You quickly rise to become leader of your primitive tribe. What's the very first thing you're going to insist that everyone starts doing?
What a movie that everyone loves but you hate and why?
Just a picture of a snack table that looks like Sesame Street characters.
What is your go to curse word and which one do you use in not so curse-friendly environment?
The time my friend Spot compared 11 action cams. While skydiving.
Not even sorry about it
Like the secret service would let this happen
Coin my father bought at the end of the COLD WAR
I can use some knowledge
This gave me a stroke
For which movie title can you change, add or remove just one letter to complete change the meaning?
Make butter at home
Our girl Bea with my wife, her very favorite person
My chipin Iggy
Pure dachshund?
My Iggy when he was tiny
These turned out super!
My sweet baby
Canned curry sauce explosion
My canned curry sauce exploded in my face
Bizet’s Carmen on glassware
Please help with a compatibility question