State of the Sub - Banned Topics?
This takes fan-fiction to a whole new level
Looking for a cult themed horror movie
The Black Bruise Entries
Got my hands on a copy of To Young Men Only 😂
Newly Acquired Books on Mormonism
Persecution then and now
Share a fun fact!
Hell isn't real
I’m TIRED of the constant Christian hate.
Is it alright that I don't like gospel
I may have to go to BYUI for college.
Clothing with Crosses
How many cuss words should be in a video to where a Christian can't watch it
Found disturbing things in my 12 year olds room.
Fun Game: Say Something Nice About Other Denominations.
Looking For More Sources
Anyone Else Feel Audible Anxiety? 😂
Time for a hot take
I'm sorry but I liked Dagon's Mirror.
im an athiest challenge me
Mental health