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Yank losers didn’t even last a week!
Where will you hide it?
Billboard in Bowden Calls for Alberta to Join the U.S
USA doesn't need Canada🙄🇨🇦🇺🇲
Would Canadians trade their healthcare system with whatever pros and cons it has, for America’s healthcare system?
Unique cocktail bars / casual bars downtown Calgary?
to expect equal justice…
Saw this today.
After many years, what commercial still lives rent free in your head?
New event centre thoughts?
Accident Barlow Trail SE. Road closed until further notice.
My photos of the lights within the city
Anyone got an update on this?
Guess I'm going somewhere else.
Do they not understand the danger they had put themselves and other people in or do they just not care?
2-3 times a week, I collect syringes from my balcony. This is how my super old neighbor is trying to get me evicted, as she believes that my roommate and I are gay, and she thinks all gay people are drug addicts.
Autograph on a old Home Depot hat
You know it's spring time when these guys start appearing in the city
Don't make me cry
was given this at work today :|
Managed to sneak one before the clouds became too much
Researchers have calculated how much dog poop is left behind in Calgary parks — it's a lot