Voice clip recordings
Reptile feed in Guelph??
How likely is it to find a 4 leaf clover
If I inhale a fly does it just sit in my lungs until my body assimilates it ?
Pokemon go
Aggressive dogs and owner seen frequenting Riverside Park
Is there any seatbelts that are safer for women than the traditional ones?
Redditors who have large butts… what are some problems that we might not know about?
Jose Cuervo cinge
7,849 Students Admitted to University of Guelph!
How ive been feeling about living here for the past few years
Bowling in South Guelph
People in Guelph need some driving advice.
Man recording girls at splash pad
My neighbour was bitten by a Rottweiler yesterday near the Stone Road Mall…
Dangerous Dogs on RRT
Women of reddit, do you wear underwear liners daily?
To Whom It May Concern...
Pizza Review - Toppers Pizza - Edinburgh/Stone Road
Where can I find the Manor documentary
While trying to unsubscribe from non-stop emails…
Why does anyone need a boycott not to shop at places like loblaws?
On brink of heritage designation, paint job of The Manor draws criticism
[24M] Thoughts on these pics for Tinder? I deleted my last account a couple days ago and need some feedback. From California if this helps.
Factor is unhealthy