What is every one’s opinion on MVP animations being tied to only one skin and not multiple?
Qual devo comprar?
What are the goated series that got cancelled on the way?
Mostre seus apps do celular e eu te direi quem és...
Who was supposed to be Hollywood’s next big star but faded away?
Addressing the ELEPHANT in the ROOM.
They need to find the spiderman glitches ASAP
Open Question : Why would Tolkien Dislike your Setting/Story?
reclamam que Assassin's Creed Shadows é historicamente impreciso enquanto em 2006 havia isso:
What's your favorite aspect of 5e?
Big Budget Movies that turned out to be hilariously bad
Ferrets are trained and used to help pull electrical wiring through hard-to-reach places.
Colaram a resposta do chat GPT e nem conferiram 🤡
More games like BG3?
The main characters of the last game you played aside from DRG are in the drop pod heading to Hoxxes, how screwed are they?
Who is this?
Which Version of CM Punk do you prefer? ‘08 or Present Day?
Throwback da vaga mais arrombada que já vi
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Painsplitting Bow | Weapon (any bow)
Which heroes need a rework in your opinion?
Why Do People Ignore Vital Parts Of Spells
O liberalismo corroeu o cérebro dessa galera Eles acham que se deixasse tudo na mão dos empresários todo mundo iria receber um salário bom
Best line of the show. I’ll go first