It's just some chips man...
I Just Lost My Job Because I'm An American
How can I politely give a 2-weeks notice?
I fell and hit my head after a night out and now I’m an overly sensitive grandma posting cute minion meemees on facebook.
JD received the reception he warranted and faced embarrassment.
A homeless man told me an important tip to survive the coming apocalypse
What you mean it don't fit?
Vance says Canada can't win a trade war
I will make your site for $9 and host it free lifetime with free domain
Feeling Unworthy of Marriage at 17 – I Don't Know If I'm Capable Enough
What a horrible little bigoted kid.
Eh. Can you call a cab?
Can you call us a cab?
One of the worst people in the world.
This should be illegal. Foreign countries don't get to run political ads in the US. Wtf.
Blue Jays fan says he was kicked out of the Rogers Centre for his 'Canada Is Not For Sale' hat
Heard from a stranger that Canada citizenship is guaranteed by getting a master degree
Is there actually significant interest in Alberta leaving Canada?
Danielle Smith and Ben Shapiro discuss Canada electing ‘solid allies’ to Trump at Florida event
More Bell cuts today!!!