How much did it hurt Betty to be cheated on with an older woman?
Why didn’t Pete try to fire his first secretary for being so “insubordinate”? Many on the show were fired for this disrespect.
Is Anna friendzoned?
Harry Crane is an uggo guys, it’s his worse trait!
Harry Crane garners no sympathy for his sleazy actions because he’s not as attractive as the rest.
Examples of Sal's cognitive dissonance
What is Pete thinking about…
Is Freddie Rumsen the most impactful minor character in Mad Men?
I never understood how Betty is ”like a child”
Megan and Don Season 7
How does everyone feel about Don's ending?
Character scenes that take them to the brink of being irredeemable…
Kind of obvious, but Joan’s husband Greg would be the worst psychiatrist.
Scenes that take a character to the brink of being irredeemable…
If you were playing a Mad Men drinking game where you had to take a shot after a certain word or phrase, what would it be?
Why don't I like this show?
Least favorite character
Someone pooped in my thrifted dress
Help I got roped into a Mary Kay party thinking i was coming for a facial
How do I back out gracefully?
If you could have lunch with one character from the show, who would it be? What would you ask?
Carolyn: “My little Stevie doesn’t have any bad habits.” Lucy: “I hope he doesn’t copy any of his good habits like scratching himself or peeling bananas with his feet!
Lucy Goes to Scotland 🏴
Ethel: I’d like to meet the idiot that talked Fred into buying these. Lucy: Well, HOW do you DO?