$10 per share price target lol
S&p500 wen 🤔
It's all so...beautiful 😍
Earnings Day! 🥳🍻
The TIME is now.
Trump approved tokenised assets
Sultan: GME Tokenize
Update on Lady Gobble: She is still opening wider each day. She still hasn't signaled bottom quite yet. The wider she gets, the more chaos that is happening beneath the scenes in the market. This has happened 2x in the last year. April and October.
Fridays in the Market
Uhm guys??? Something might be happening soon
🐱👤GameStop Hype Video "Here Kitty Kitty"🐱👤
9/20 Gamma Powderkeg Resurrection; Will It Boom? - $GME 2/21 OPEX Price Forecast & Options Analysis
FoRgEt GmE
Down 20% in less than 1 month on absolutely no news.
DRS from Stocks & Shares ISA (UK)
Big Buys Only
4 years ago still here
4 years ago pt2 still here
4 years later and half drs still here
I’m not f…… leaving still here
After hours manipulation
Shall is say I am deeeep in SuperStonk 🤣 🍌
Buy the dip