Random things from the show that I own
Name a Rolling Stones song in emojis and I’ll try to guess it.
We are not the same
Noticed this incredible detail on a re-run - Matt wants to see the sky again because even with his abilities he cant "see" the sky
You know what else is delicious? Gin.
Which character would you have liked to see more of?
Why you goin’ all Cliff Huxtable on me?
Raffle Time! Season 4 DVD
It’s funny how modest Debra was in the early seasons and how she was a straight up hotwife in the later seasons
What are some of your favorite Spence moments or episodes?
What’s one moment or joke, that you personally believe, only this show could make funny?
Is it true that Daredevil/Matt is the worst Catholic?
Robert’s best line?
Does Carrie's sister actually exist?
Christianity Compass Meme
Christianity Compass
How do you guys think the Season 1 Finale of Born Again should end Pitch me your theories and ideas??? Should it end with an conclusion or an Cliffhanger
4 x 4 Political Compass of Catholic Saints Part 3
Best quote in the series
Meaningless repetition you say?
Whatever happened to Richie?
Wearing a crucifix to a MacArthur-Baptist church?