Which band would you time travel to see in their prime?
Favorite song from each album
Today's haul! $1 each
What so you guys think about my king crimson albums tierlist?
Mejor wallet para cobrar unos dolares y eventualmente pasarlos a pesos?
Prog Funk?
What's your pick for brunch
Just converted half my record store into a CD store!
Bands that are still 'active' that need to start making new music asap?
Any CD You've Been Playing Over And Over? At Least Lately?
Which 3 of my alt rock CDs would you spin?
Ask me anything and I will reply with GTA SA character dialogues
Guess my favorite band
how did you discover the game gta san andreas
¿A quién tiene que ir a buscar Boca en caso de que JRR decida rajar a Gago?
It's been a month since I've bought myself a discman
Should I pre order Elden Ring NightReign or buy Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2
What was the first GTA you ever played?
Best prog rock side projects?
Lets make it
Is it a bad thing owning cd's just for the aesthetics?
Modern prog rock that is fresh and new.
How am I doing? (Collection of 3 years)
Bandages dissapearing???
beautiful prog songs