Can anyone explain why hellfire oneshot here?
I'm bored, so give me a random matchup and I'll make a script to the best of my ability (I'm warning y'all rn, I'll most likely know nothing of the people you pick)
First time doing a trade offer so I hope this goes well
It’s really not that difficult
What do you think would happen if V1 showed up in the wolfenstein universe
Where Does Universal Bullets Go On the Pecking Order?
Kinda makes sense if you think about it
I put "Absolute Territory" over Shigaraki vs Mahito
Bored, give me a character and I’ll give them a Good vs Evil matchup
Tell me your favourite character and I will tell you how Mephala wins.
Name a characther and i tell you how fraudtrack gets neg diffed
Heroic FOOLS of this Subreddit. Give me your favorite fictional characters so I can give them slightly themeatic stomp matchups and watch you suffer!!!
Now we doing Daddyscaling, who’s a character that you find the most DILFy
Do not develop skill, just generate product
It’s okay now guys, they said they’re sorry
"This time you're getting no diffed" yeah alright buddy
This is how Imagine Sonic vs Mario 3 to go 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣
Pretend like homelander won
Who is the biggest "fraud" here?
“W.E.I.R.D” - Alternate Gabriel VS Bill Cipher (The Mandela Catalogue VS Gravity Falls)
Everytime I look away and turn back, there’s a new children’s media reality warper
Does he think video games cause violence? Is she stupid?
Alastor ain’t a fraud just because he can’t kill god