Anybody else considering giving up on relationships ?
How often do you/did you swipe right?
¿ Ustedes estarían en una relación abierta ?
¿Cuál es el dato más inútil pero interesante que conoces?
Why most gymnosperms are tree like plants?
Is American food inferior to the European one?
Do you ever get bored with fucking around?
Is it rude to not kiss someone after they give you head?
We need a genus named after Aeaea. And then give it a tribe so it can be called Aeaeaeae (pronounced ee-EE-ee-ee)
Animals don´t have dreams
¿Hay cosas dentro de la comunidad LGBTQ+ que, si un heterosexual las dijera, serían consideradas ofensivas?
¿Qué insulto te gusto tanto que lo terminaste usando?
I don't get this game's reward system
Why does the Congo Rainforest not have hotspots of biodiversity with values as high as the other two major tropical rainforests?
First time sex questions
Good god
How accurate is the environment depicted in Carboniferous Forest Simulation?
1. De qué país son? 2. Darían la vida por ese país?
How many millions of years ago the continents where distant enough for biotic interchange to stop between them?
Por que las personas morenas/negras, comenten más crímenes que otras personas??
Estamos todos de acuerdo en que el frío es mil veces mejor porque los michis se ponen en plan "dame calor humano"?
Why Bradford pear is so hated?
I’m tired (and bored) of seeing ‘thirst traps’ on these dating apps. Are you not?