Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel will be in First Person
Diablo vs Path of Exile debate
Dinossindgeil has just beaten Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Sekiro consecutively without taking a hit and at level 1
Megaman deserves better - Capcom is sleeping on a goldmine
I DID IT. I FUCKING DID IT. 100% (all achievements, all jobs etc) Now I'm going to buy the DLC. I hope it lives up to the original game.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a photographer's dream. Here are some photos I took!
Just finished my first playthrough, might've shed a few tears. What a game and story!
Very weird sensation after smoking
Who would you guys cast as Johnny Silverhand in a Cyberpunk Movie
Would you get cyberware? Why or why not?
What should I play next?
My HUGE concern with Kingdom Come 2
Weed tolerance help
Where can I find a video editor for cheap?
If you could have ONE thing from night city…what would it be and why?
why are cyberpunk fans obsessed with panam's butt?
Celebrating my 12th year anniversary of the day I left the U.S.
Let's ignore the fact that the corps are heartless devils destroying humanity for a moment. Which corporation is the coolest?
Night City ¿coming soon?
Can A LOT of meditation make happier and more excited about everything in life throughout the day?
Is it my imagination or does this game kinda suck?
He FINALLY admitted it - Lol Elon
This game is just way too good. Good job, GGG.
Therapy is not working, I’m too self-aware
For the sequel - How should the devs handle V's future?