Notes for fantasy world
Lessons in Stoicism by John Sellars
The 28 books I read in January
Why are people so upset about some five guys being halal?
Which should I read next 🌚
People who keep geckos in paludariums, how to you make sure they don’t drown?
Why is haru seen as completely helpless when mice and other smaller animals exist in the beastars universe?
Scary polar bears in abandoned village
Is there a frog that’s semi aquatic like the fire bellied frog but is smaller, diurnal and brightly coloured like the dart frogs?
I did a thing in oils, thoughts?
Just bought these - what would you read first?
Local bookstore, love to see so many classics all together!
So I read the Call of the Wild by Jack London and I have thoughts.
For a mammal avian hybrid, would they be able to fly?
Why is it okay to hit children but not old people?
What classic novels would squidward be reading in bed?
My gorgeous girl finally ate without losing her mouse even once!
Ranking a few classics I've read
Why is luna still employed when she tried to get cosmo killed? Still ship them tho
Hypothetically speaking what would the care of the Chinese giant salamander be?
Invasive aliens by Dan Eatherley
Anyone else think Yahyas obsession with Gosha was kinda cringe?
Painted a very blue hummingbird
Got lucky with the blue and white porcelain today
TK Max (UK) have some lovely editions