New gates have oppened
Don't click on this post there, could, be a, curse
How am I the bad random (this was under 400 trophies and I can’t replay to see what I did wrong)
What's Wrong With This Image?
After being locked up in the Club for a year, practically dead at the Godzilla event, Being scammed in the Spongebob event, I finally got a Good Buzz Skin
What would have been your pick? _(draft taking place in L2)_
Is Desperado Poco harder to use?
Is it just me or is the red team safe placed close to the spawn points compared to the blue team safe?
He's already really strong
If girls are real, name every girl
Is this good for like a year of playing
Let me introduce everyone to the most underrated brawler in the game…
bringing this to here cuz why not (explosion sound effect)
What is the most overrated brawler in your opinion?
I love my randoms
just got Pam. worth upgrading?
I hate brawl hockey
Can i get a Account Rating ?
Opposing Primo Suplex Supplements Jacky for an Assist and Victory
Be Honest I Feel stuck where do you think I can improve?
Dude, it's not even funny anymore
Proof that brand new skins aren’t always better than the older skins
New season is missing something important
Starr Drop Idea?