Does anyone recall all the times when D.W. was right all along?
Help! Any suggestions?
Was Blue-Eyes supposed to be meta? It seems really weak. I was debating trying it but it always seems to lose when I play against it and I’m wondering if I should save my gems for something else.
New additions
Just started watching the TV Adaptation after reading the comics for years, some differences but still cool
How does one pet Chop
It’s not fair how good Fear the Walking Dead was in the beginning
Advice needed
Can too, triple stamp it, no erasies!
Why is pig skin so weird?!
Are the four compendiums the full comic story?
Rewatching Terminus. Glenn was so close to being bludgeoned with that metal bat and bled out.
Sly Short film: Carmelita rig
PARIS!! Let’s goooo! 🇫🇷
Best way to age a pig?
"Commited Suicide"
Grumpy pig
Negan would be sad after seeing this
No one will ever convince me that Carol is not the smartest character in TWD
Bubbles hyperventilating with the cat in the well
Kingston Politics
Delay, Deny, Defend
Who did you like more: Dale or Hershel?
Saw XI Has So Much Potential
Need helping finding the Object ID of this fence..