For those struggling to vibe with Pynchon: have I got some (now formerly) lost media for you...
What is your favourite joke inside a book?
Favorite works written out of spite?
Dreamworlds, psychedelia, the obscure and the unknown.
Did the Hippie Movement create any good literature? If not, why?
What 21st century novels have had the most impact on you personally?
Best booktubers?
Books that feels like Twin Peaks: The Return?
Self published, outsider-art, bizarro writers?
“We are digits in God's computer”
What are the best books for the hobbies you are into?
Fun adventure books that’s intellectually stimulating?
High quality graphic novels/comic books?
S. Craig Zahler’s favorite discoveries from 2023 and 2024
So what’s the best albums of the first four years of this decade?
There’s a gaaaymaaan living in my ass
Do you have any particular works you like to reread or any specific genres you save for the winter months?
Cumtown bit
Hunting journals or other travel accounts of dives into wild nature?
That stretch of ct eps where Nick was having an unusually manic episode and was wildly questioning reality is some of the rawest podcasting committed
What are your favorite movie endings?
Favorite spoof films?
Destiny fans deboonk Adam's misinformation
What’s your favorite productions of plays or readings of poetry that’s available to watch/listen to?