¿De dónde soy?
Which Asian flag is the BEST. Take out your LEAST FAVEROTE one. Top comment will be removed. (DAY1)
Make assumptions about me based on where I’ve traveled
Does anyone have any offers?
My world map as a 15 year old
27 and used my standby perks as much as I could…what does my map say what places should I go next?
what region is this (wrong answers only)
What Oddly Specific Assumption Would You Make About Me Based On This Map? US Addition.
What is the name of this country?
"Trump is a fascist"- Seen outside a Trump Tower in Chicago
Tell me a flag and I will rank day 2
Should i offer pls fast he bought it for 55m
is it just me or is British Columbia the most American Canadian province
Show me your favorite flag.
what glove do you think is underrated? i'll start
Found these pants at a local thrift store
Difficulty: for master-level novices. What connects these red bits? Get it right within 118 hours and I'll paint one wall in my bedroom
Guess what country I'm from
Top comment deletes a country pt123
Comments of the world experiment: 27 hours in
Who knows what region this flag belongs to?
How many Huges do you have?
Which language should I learn next?
What does this say about me?