Unpopular opinion: Gon is misunderstood and underrated as a Main Character.
If you were to teleport to any anime verse, which one would you choose?
Post a gif/image and let people in the comments guess which anime its from!
Imagine your at a family gathering and you want to put on an Anime for them to enjoy, what Anime are you putting on? I'll go first:
Who is your anime crush?
Be brutally honest, do you consider Luffy a “hero”?🤔
Who has more attractive women in bleach shinigami or quincy?
You are a hero in My hero academia, what's your hero name?
Who has the best Laugh in One Piece
You'll be fine, Kisuke.
Who has the biggest boobs in bleach?
DAP ME UP if you're excited for One Piece to be back
Your last image Killed Future Trunks idc what it is
Happy International Women's Day
It is what it is 👀
He is so real🥹🥹,Get you someone that loves you the way barto loves luffy❤️
Tanjiro is the reason they smile ❤️
What's that short anime you ended up enjoying quite a lot?
Pssst…. Give me your favorite anime opening(s) and I’ll rank them S,A,B,C,D,F
Left Or Right?
What happened to these Abilities?🤔
You come home from work and see this what would you do
I’m not a big fan of her but do you think she deserves all the hate and why