(Day 11) how would you rank Fiore in All Stars
What do these 2 characters have in common( no I am not saying jake is a villian)
(Day 10) how would you rank aiden in All Stars
Ok, call me stupid but…I don’t get why this was bad?
A challenge for you guys
(Day 9) How would you rank Hunter in All Stars
(Day 8) how would you rank Riya in All stars
How would you feel if ally actually cried tears while telling jake to wake up in episode 20
(Day 7) how would you rank Gabby in All Stars
Inside you there are 2 wolves
Still not over that tweet
(Day 6) how would you rank Lake in All Stars
I hate this fandom...and yes this is also true
Which episode do you like more
(Day 5) how would you rank Tess in All Stars
What was your reaction to this line when it first came out?
What was the heroes worst moment
(Day 4) How would you rank Tom in All Stars
Who do you like more
who sucked more in episode 14
Which elimination was worse?
(Day 3) how would you rank James in All Stars
Is this a hot take?
Wtf was jared thinking while writing this
"Starventure Camp - Episode 12: In the Bark of Night" just dropped! :D