I was trying to make a bloodmoon monster. Kinda wish we could preview changes before confirming them.
Gave this one an Aurora potion. I’m good with the outcome. Before and after.
Harley Davidson toy model
My monster, Hydroxon Gale, now has an attack called... Hydroxon Gale
Worth keeping?
Wife: Remind me to pick up milk tomorrow.
Got some cool monsters while browsing a thrift store today
I get why we can't use battle items on a level 1 monster, but why can't we use the cosmetic ones?
Dope as hell
What element does this symbol represent?
Broken deck
Been seeing people post about these, now I have one, too.
Is there a word for someone who doesn't like people just because of the music they listen to?
What are your most ridiculous monsters?
Um... what? There are so many things wrong with this lol.
Not sure how I won this, except I've been picking to improve Run whenever it's an option.
Every time I get an ad for either Monoply Go or Mistplay, my ad freezes on a black screen and I need to restart the game. Just curious if anyone else has run into this, and wondering if there's any fix.
Question about items. If I use one on a monster that already has a second attack, would it add a third, or overwrite one of the other ones?
A water type that's weak to fire. Weird. (Your screen is not dirty, that's just how the AI spawned it.)
Where's the best place to grow korn, smashing pumpkins, black-eyed peas, and red hot chili peppers?
I did it! 150 parcels!! I used my last ones to make a pokeball pattern. Now I gotta buy badges to 31. That'll be tricky, seeing as how I don't travel much.
I WANT to like this game, I really do. It's a great, creative, original idea. But once you get your monsters, there's really not much to do. Are there different battle modes if you level up?
Do the ear buds now have a battery protection program? Every time I take them out of the case they're at 90%.
Is this any good? It has over double the hp of any other monster I've spawned, but it's agility and damage seem pretty low.