I wanted to know what do CCJ think about Chinese EV?
Chinese truck based on a Hilux
Sitting, watching the rain
Post pics of your enclosures
Soldiers from some random country that has not fought a war in 30 or 40 years
My little brother destroy it😭😭
Crazy how my Volvo P1800S (around 3.2 Million miles) has aged. It doesn't look dated at all!
Is he shedding healthy?
An r/mini user unironically posted this
Is my terrarium okay?
What do I do in this position?
I’m not getting a heat gradient
why isnt my enclosure heating up to the right temp?
Repozytorium na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim
Crested gecko pimples/blisters growing
Tiny Tingo adventures continue. I need a name for him
buying a crested gecko
In which Color should I order my 1920 Ford Model T?
Whats ur goofiest photo
Is this a good cricket battle royale setup?
Pimples? My gecko has strange lumps on her tummy :(
Why don’t they just take the shortcut!?
Snail is making a Maus to flank another Mouse