What’s more important: PhD supervisor or PhD topic?
Suggestions for assignments and grading - graduate level
Student wants a way to improve exam grade because they felt sick during the exam
Strangest things you've ever said in class?
Do students not get announcements from Canvas?
Regalia pockets
AITA: didn’t explain how Canvas drops grades
Well it finally happened
What’s your threshold for Fail?
But the rubric didn’t say I needed a title
Dell P3424WE review for Mac?
Rubrics - love ‘em or leave ‘em?
Student missed two exams but I only offer one make-up exam per syllabus
Any tips for teaching a late-evening class?
What do you go by?
How do you all keep lecture notes and research organized?
TA logging in twice as many hours
Advice for voice strain during lectures?
Where to find CRISPR babies manuscript?
Calling on individual students in a big class
Do you provide critiques of student emails and other communications, or do you just answer the question and move on?
Presentation Clickers
What in your office were paid by the department?
Teaching Fall semester of a course that’s offered in both semesters and summer. Can I modify the syllabus?
Your favorite first year biology lab kits? (Topics: DNA, RNA, protein)