Comparing these two subs are like day and night
Request to Moderate /r/FunnyandSad (banned due to lack of Moderation)
Libs when one subreddit doesn't reinforce their echo chamber mentality:
We’re polite, not nice. There’s a difference.
Just follow the rules
The real fascists are the ones projecting
Please watch out for bots on this sub. Some bearish bot commented on my post and I asked it to write a poem.
Show me what they fear
Chicago Fed President Goolsbee sees rate cuts depending on inflation progress
Finance people rn 🤪
That's good news
All we want is more competition and 50 kinds of Cheerios in the grocery store
What did Eisenhower know? Not like he was ever in a war. Right?
Fed predicts slowdown but no collapse of US economy amid turbulence of Trump's early days
Trump to sign executive order aiming to shut down Department of Education
Trump open to extending Chevron's license to produce oil in Venezuela, WSJ reports
Forged in an actual volcano
So much progress has been made
Misery loves company. Don’t let doomers get you down.
English is hard