I feel attacked. Or seen.
How tf do you masturbate in your bedroom?
How do you respond if your gf asks you "would you prefer if I had bigger breasts?"
What’s the difference between these three?
is this form correct
Do most women hover over a public toilet seat?
How long does your nap from anesthesia really feel like when you are under?
Do women actually feel attracted to men?
Is this an alright way of placing my fret hand thumb?
Is a person considered an incel when they masturbate?
How come my socks are disappearing?
You have $150k in your account, how do you make the best use out of it to grow it?
When you buy condoms, do you feel compelled to add some other products in the cart, that is , do you avoid buying only condoms?
Do you eat rice with a fork or a spoon?
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
I beat the game! A COLOSSAL mistake.
Am i becoming an alcoholic or am i just too young?
Do/did you hook up with people on the regular or am I weird?
What is this?
Do you do the creche, the underdark, or both?
What do you guys do on your phones to kill time?
Whats the point of a squadron?
I fart whenever women touch me what’s wrong with me?
Who do you think would win in a fight between a man or a woman versus a dog? No weapons.
There is a girl at the gym who I am 100% sure I make uncomfortable, is there anything I can do about it?