Who's everyone's Patron Saint (or who will yours be?)
How to make this Cajun Red Grouper
A Tribute to Johnny Stephenson (Grindael) — A Tireless Historian of Mormonism
What's your opinion on the book of Enoch?
I keep waking up with stains on my sheets and clothes
Are there any ancient Jewish Manuscripts that read “she will crush the serpents head” in Genesis 3:15?
What's your favorite book in the Bible and why
Someone able to answer this?
Need help with a Taylor Marshall claim.
The Church knows who the Lamanites are
LDS Member Denies Anthon Transcript is ‘Reformed Egyptian’: What Evidence Proves Otherwise?
Is the Eva Grace Smith Madison Document a Hoffman Fraud?
so, is it permanent?
Help disassembly
I'm the president of a temple, ask me anything
What does kecharitomene mean in Luke 1:28?
What is the difference between the word heos, and achris ??
Are there any books of the Hebrew Bible or Jewish works that scholars believe have Greek influence? Excluding Dueterocanonicals .
How was the Hebrew Bible influenced by Greeks?
If the Sadducees only believed in the first 5 Books of Moses , why does Jesus quote Daniel to them in Matt 26:64 and In Mark 14:62??
Need official church teaching on the subject: Is Jesus subject to the father, in terms of divinity?