this minigame has no right being so difficult, it continuously lagged and froze even if on the lowest graphics setting, i cant see my arrows at all and even if i do hit the heart it doesnt count
dang :( (the ones that placed were either naked or unfinished)
Cmok cmok (danas vs 2021(crtano olovkom) isti lik)
I actually wanna FUCKING kill this FUCKING cookie
Ouch. Not good for a first run of the game
Još malo 6 godina razlike koji kurac (prvi je od juče, drugi novembar 2019)
"Ne radim u lidlu ali mogu da pomognem"
A single hair of mine prevented my headphone from falling to the ground
What's this YouTuber for you? I'll start
[PC] [2010s] pony racing game
outfits i made last month mayb two months ago that gave me 5ft-8th place
nastavljam sa kobilama koje je drugarica napravila
Opet 😈
Opet Ms paint + ibis paint x
Subtle morning fog
Finished the gacha pull of my friends cookiefied oc, [technically a repost cuz I got sent to the shadow realm w one downvote]
Ceo dan pokušavam pretvoriti drugaricinog lika u stil CRK , mislim da sam uspela
Was losing my mind trying to cookiefy my friends oc
Creepy images I took I think last year??
Turned one of my ocs into a cookie
Videla sam neka stvorenja ili sta je na Pinterestu pa sam htela to da nacrtam
Ibis paint - laso 😈
opet MS paint + Ibis kombinacija :)))))
Neki od starih digitalnih crteza i strip koji se nadam da cu jednog dana zavrsiti