ELI5: Why are tv actors rated less (in terms or acting skill or typecast) than that of movie actors?
ELI5: Why is Louisiana such a poorly run and corrupt state?
Walton Goggins Is the Best Character Actor on TV, Period
what a complete waste of an elite class of actors
Dean Henderson, not Matt Turner, will start Crystal Palace’s FA Cup quarter-final clash against Fulham on Saturday.
Favorite Don Cheadle Performance?
8 Seconds which came out in 1994
Has there been any analysis or quanitifable military benefits that incredibly small nations have gained from participating with small contributions in overseas missions?
Anyone remember that Robin Cook Invasion miniseries with Luke Perry from the late 90s?
Fans of the short lived series Jeremiah?
Thoughts on Mission to Mars. It came out 25 years ago.
When David decided to start rapping outside of Beverly Hills
I just feel like the Ray pushing Donna down the stairs is the most unforgettable episode of the series…
Crazy to think this isn't even everyone
Jeff Sneider Marvel Rumors and Updates.
During the Cold War, what role m did the political beliefs of military commanders in NATO armed countries play a in their promotion?
How difficult is it for actors to break from typecasting today versus say decades ago in Hollywood?
I actually like Congo (1995)
Have we ever come close to having a Presidential Candidate who didn't have Irish/Scottish/English ancestry?
What is a former President entitled or usually offered once their term of office has ended?
Why was Henry A Wallace railroaded at the 1944 Democratic Convention?
For the European countries that gave up conscription in the 90s/00s, how difficult was the transition from the Cold War thinking of defense in Europe to expeditonary warfare with an all-volunteer force?
During the Cold War, how leftists were top military commanders of respective NATO countries?
What are some tv stars that failed to jumpstart a film career when they transitioned from tv? Why was that?
Why was FOX doing 32 episode seasons of Beverly Hills, 90210 and Melrose Place back during the 90s?