Applying to schools outside catcgment
AIO for my girlfriend wanting to breakup with me
Who was your first celebrity crush?
If you can only eat 1 fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
Pidgeot in LetsGoPikachu??
What Wildlife Left these Muddy Footprints?
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
Who would win?
This is hands down one of the greatest scenes in the entire show
Great League Third Pokemon Recomendation
My collection as of my 1st rewatch. Still can't get over how good the show is.
Ran into this guy on Accident
How many of the evolution items do you keep? Looking to free up space
If you could order only one menu item in all of Canberra, what would it be?
Should I keep it as 888 or max it over 1000 cp?
Kids basketball.
Elena Gilbert is insufferable!!
What shit are you too old for?
I’m so sad that I missed it!
Fuecoco Community Day
Accidentally separated while trying to power up….
She’s done it! Entered the league at level 9, left a champion
Who are these pokemon?