It's getting full here, need to add another one soon
Just moved so it feels kinda empty, but I like it clean
RTX 4090 power supply cable
Almost All Black BattleStation!
what 1800 mechanics do you think will stay or go for Pax Romana
Clinking coin noise
Best book of 2024?
Best book you’ve read in 2024 so far?
Some books I read in 2024
Games like Stardew Valley?
Cursor keeps showing loading icon every few seconds even when I'm doing nothing
I need more space.
So I made a real-life chart of my reading through the years!
Finished my first booknook! MiniAlley Dreamy
My bookshelf that my dad and I build together :3
Thoughts on Die Störung from Brandon Q Morris?
Die Störung from Brandon Q Morris
What do you guys think about adding the planets in the space background ?
Capture biter spawner in a peaceful mode
Best Quality Setup
Solar System Edge ship blueprints with minimal railguns
Custom lighting bookshelf
What is the maximum throughput of the new fluid system? I'm experiencing weirdness at around 10k/second, is that near the limit?
Finally! My epic quality setup is unlocked and working
What's up with the molten iron/copper temperature, what does it do?