You guys think I still have time to get iconic Holland?? Should I spend all my 3k cash for him or just grind and see??
How do I get this off. It keeps on happening to me everytime I get on madden. It used to be everyday, now it’s everytime I log in
Just a quick question for u guys. Were the drops in Part 1 better than 2 or no?
How is TOTY going for you guys!!? Who did you guys get??
Part 2 drop
Ok I just got Hendrickson from using 3 step ups which idk if it was worth it or not. So should I go for Gardner Johnson or wait??
Should I go Offense or Defense first??
Who should I choose Gates or Bowers
So apparently no Draft Champions after all??
Predictions for step ups
Anyone else kinda miss draft champions?
When we getting the step up packs?
New Diamonds
Is 8 days enough to get another iconic
Free Agenct S8
Boys this centaur challenge is impossible (80 rushing yards)
Next Season Positions and an update on Madden Max
Interesting updates - looks like no max this year
Has any one done this
My prediction on TOTY: Will there be step up packs this promo or not??
3x WR or 2x TE?
Finish the map
TOTY Players