Do you actually use a rangefinder, or do you just rely on course markers?
Easter weekend in Deal
Been playing 7 months, ditched the woods and had my first “good” round on a full 18
Any ideas how to remove a head from a trash can?
Game ticket recommendations
Should I buy this game full price or wait until it’s on sale?
Feedback round! What modifications or QoL would you love to see implemented in the game?
Is There A Way To Remove Education?
What are you playing this weekend?
What is something in golf that took you way too long to figure out?
Management view Grid lines?
⚙️ Weekly Tech Support & Purchase Recommendations Megathread - March 1, 2025 ⚙️
Tired of game crashes (Playstation)
Kent County Council increases tax by 4.99% in 'tough' budget
Counting the days
Housemate agreed prior to wifi and now isn’t willing to pay England
PS5 - child has gotten stuck on this view, can’t work out how to return to normal
Would this be a genius way to prevent compatibility issues, or just unnecessary?👀
Sonic preorder PS5
Pierce film lid several times. How many is your several?
Lets talk Training Plans
How to get people healthy?
It won’t fly downwards 😂
Snacks and Drinks
If Happy Gilmore could drive it 400+ with a persimmon driver, how far could he drive it with modern technology?