How long did it take for you to get your first big part?
Killing him was the most satisfying moment.
Die Axt in der Hand ist besser als die Robe im Schrank.
*extinct Geonosian noises.
And people tell my bananas are healthy.
Who had the best parents and who had the worst parents outta the main cast?
It really speaks for Diane that she turned out a decent person despite growing up with those people.
Has this last summer been the worst window since the 15/16 season?
Gehstock schlägt Pistole oder so
Vorgänger der Interkontinentalraketen waren tatsächlich Ballons.
Zerstreutheit.Grundsätzliche Fähigkeit eines jeden Professors.
Who would you choose to represent you in a trial by combat?
Which kingdom would you least wanna live in?
Der Mangel an Respekt Pep gegenüber ist teilweise echt einfach nur dämlich.
Poor Oola.
What would his favourite program be?
Anyone else wanna see a spin-off about the adventures of young Ned and Robert?
O meu deus.
Long may they live.
I‘d have preferred carrying the ring to Mordor to doing math.
Did anyone else find him more interesting than Castillo?
Which villain/antagonist had the saddest scene?
Is it ever explained what Ben does for a living?
Would you agree that apart from Eowyn Tolkien didn‘t give his female characters enough time in the spotlight?
Don‘t blame the player.