My first golden crate opened, guess I got pretty lucky
Do it
How was Your First Time Experience Playing as Sniper?
What flag is this
!Wrong answer only! What is the name of this flag
Would you fight him for 2 million United States dollars
You see this thing in your survival world. What are your actions?
diddy sad! would you make him happy for 6 bottles of baby oil?
Psychological Trauma test
What's an unique thing about yourself that makes people recognize you in tc2 community?
TF2 irl!!1!!!1!!!!!1
Earth map except that I changed the big things for the ones I like(d)
Does Kazakhstan count as a european Country, but is showed more in Asian Map?
First time i actually started grinding hardcore. Which gem towet should i aim for first?
Which is better for Pizza Party? Mortar or Ranger?
there's this dude on youtube who uploads (usually) unmodified music from different VALVe titles, (including tf2) but the titles are...
The Hypocritic Oath
What is the best map in TC2? Mine is Harvest
The Face of a Merc.
Small animation
What do i name this weapon.
TC2 lore
Guys, look what I found...