yo, can you guys stop dropping so damn hot in ranked pls?
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Hur påverkar er bakgrund och levandssituation era politiska åsikter?
Why the use of semicolons?
Varför amerikaniseras svenskar så mycket?
When the marketing team puts its programming skills to work
Learning to drive - do you have to take a course on driving when conditions are slippery?
[AMA] 5 years using Dvorak, first as a humanities major, now as a programmer. AMA.
Story: My (failed) attempt to jump to graphics at Big Ns, as a generalist C++ dev
Cone tracing vs ray tracing? What are the pros/cons of each and when should you use one over the other in your engine?
Does Game Development Encourage Students to Learn How to Code?
Kate - LSP Client Status
This is how I create a new programming language!!
Rapparen Einár skjuten till döds i Hammarby Sjöstad
Why in the world is there not a offline version of qmk configurator?
Därför bör slöseri bli valfråga 2022
A good step in the right direction. It's time programming culture wakes up
Svenska idrottsförbundet och inrikesministern anser inte att e-sport är en riktig sport. VM i Dota 2, som varit bokat att hållas i globen i över ett år, kommer bli inställt
Request for recommendations of courses, books, and YouTube channels to learn Game Design Theory
You can't change my mind on this one
Superspridare av hat oroar Näthatsgranskaren - Nyheter (Ekot)
Könsnormer leder till dålig hälsa och höga kostnader
After 27 years i’m finally a member of the pcmasterrace!
How do I set the size of a single 'unit' is in my game engine?
Java3D is the shittest API I have ever used