The priest talking to Rory about her virginity was just so…ugh
Now look what I just found online
Rory “I’m not privileged and it’s not that easy for me even though I spent an entire summer traveling Europe for free with my grandma because I was sick of my mother” Gilmore
I don’t care if it was rushed. This was the perfect way to end the show. It leaves me emotional everytime
A Year In The Life Rory
Team Jess, Dean, or Logan?
Luke/Christopher Question
Emily Gilmore is a PERFECT depiction of an emotionally abusive mother on television
Would you classify Richard and Emily Gilmore as “good people”? Why or why not.
Rory and hard 'k"s
Is it realistic that Paris didnt get into Harvard?
“Why didn’t Rory call Paris her best friend?” why would she call someone who bullied her on and off for 3 years her best friend? Over Lane who she’s known her whole life?
Rory’s career path is so???
Just now getting the irony of them playing a PJ Harvey song in the background of this scene
Dinner with Christopher's family
Does anyone else ever wonder what was in Rory’s basket?
GG fans act like they’ve never gossiped with a friend before. Doesn’t make it right but cmon it’s pretty realistic for a 19 year old.
Anna was unjustified in her anger over April's party
How would Dean have reacted if he found out about Rory kissing Tristan and Jess?
You’d think after all that emotional cheating, crying, arguing, and build up to be together they’d at least last a season…
What is something you will always defend Rory for
Any guesses on what they were talking about here that made jess smile so wide? lol
Rory demanding a job at Eagle Gazette
In your opinion, would you classify Rory as a “mean girl”?