A dolphin playfully riding the bow wave of a ship
🔥 Rare footage of a Jaguarundi. This vocal, yet elusive feline is native to the Americas and sometimes referred to as the ‘otter-cat’. It has at least 13 distinct calls and is closely related to the Puma
🔥 A young elephant hears his name and decides to interrupt an interview
The flash formations at a school sports event
The way Gentoo Penguins jump out of water
🔥 Owl: 😠
🔥 Rare sighting of the elusive Pincoya Storm Petrel distinctly dancing across the water's surface
A master Welder at work
🔥Male antlers shed annually to conserve energy during the food-scarce winter and regrow in spring, often larger and stronger.
🔥 Ice-skating under the moon and Northern Lights of Lapland, Finland
🔥 Elephant matriarch of buffaloes
🔥 Perseid meteor shower captured over Stonehenge - 📸 Josh Dury
🔥A Polar's Mother Watchful Eye🔥
Woman dressed as 'Handmaid' votes in Asheville, North Carolina
The Briggs-Rauscher Reaction – Oscillating Clock
Mitani-san and His Pet Tortoise Bon-chan
Border Collies sort black and white Ducks
🔥Stunning image of an Arctic Wolf testing a defiant bull Muskox - 📸 Ronan Donovan
Crow shares piece of bread with Mouse
Roller Pigeon spiral dive
🔥 Sky turns Purple in Florida due to Rayleigh and Mie scattering
Virpil vs VKB throttle for VR?
Unplugging the Tsujunkyo Aquaduct Bridge for irrigation
The 2024 September Controller News Digest
Water Marbling Art