Why do men think this is okay?
You get paid 75K a year but you MUST take good care of an animal I assign to you.
Emm... yes please 😶
Pls dont buy ARK aquatica for the best of this game
American tourists tried running without paying for horse carriage ride in Ireland (on St Patrick's Day)
What am I? "You sit on ..."
I hate wilds bowgun.
If Rajang returns in Wilds, all I want is for it and Ajarakan to have an event mission in the arena, where they enter at the same time like it's wrestlemania with unique tag team combination attacks
How well does the Ajara-Kalika compare to G.Arkveld?
The Hunter who wants to be Hinoa (by isiyumi)
A rich man wants to experience the feeling of own power, so he asks you to be his servant by paying you $50,000 per month.
How would you refer to this small freshwater crustacean?
As a community, we need to get people more excited about Dragon Ball The Breakers
Any heavy bowgunners find a use for Wyvernpierce or Wyvernblast?
Texas Teen Suffering Miscarriage Dies Days After Baby Shower Due to Abortion Ban as Mom Begs Doctors to 'Do Something
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
Secondary Weapon System
Real life Outward 🤣
Why did you buy a pc and not a console? Me:
I hate how I can't use the abbreviation of Switch Axe
Capcom pls fix Spread ammo :(
Rey Dau vs Rathian LBG
LBG spread 3 is not dead!!!
A request of my gunners!