Type "My keyboard is" and let autocarrot finish the rest
Day 6 of trying to get a comment from every subdivision
best canadian snacks!!!
How'd I do so far? completely done with Bahamas and Cuba)
This MIGHT be the most advanced map you have ever seen on this game (274,913 cities)
should i make a cityquiz run with every city over 20k?
what a bubble
hugequiz - Big Data quizzes from geography to sports to movies and more
looking for cityquiz data
Flag book
What is your rarest, and/or smallest city in Cityquiz.io?
Prepping sump pump in CH!
Is this amherst, NB or Amherst, any place in America
Are there werewolves in the woods surrounding moncton?
Top 3 comments change Europe: Part Four (24 Hours)
what if everyone just had a geography battle in the comments
guess where im from based on how much i like the countries red= hate orange= dislike light yellow= neutral light green= like green= love
Trying to get a comment from every subdivision
Trying to get a comment from every country
Who would win in a fight?
Trying to get a comment from every Province/State/Region in the world (part 1)
Can I get comments from at least 100 counties and/or census divisions?
I Learned All 13 Canadian Provinces And Territories And All 50 US States So now its on to countries!
Brother chipped my Turdboi mug, what should be his punishment?
I made Europe in Infinite Craft! (I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE SAN MARINO HELP PLS)