Let’s see what all the fuss is about
Is there a cover of "you can't quit me baby" in double time?
How do they do this??
Planet scanning in Mass Effect 2: an apparently unpopular opinion
Watch Myself Die - Braided Wire LP FFO Hum (when the demo first dropped people thought it was Hum)
Shoegaze players! What’s your favorite reverb pedal?
What one dish would you cook for a job?
Scariest experience while playing a SH game?
New Cloakroom
anybody else getting these bs texts lol
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
I haven't tried a lot of these, flavor recommendations?
Oblivion's Voice Actors were given their lines in Alphabetical Order
I (guitarist doing the solo) did a cover of I Appear Missing with people from my school
Is there a sentence that throbs in your head from the game? If so, what is it?
Rank your favorite Whirr albums
Does anyone know what influences Jamie might have had?
How much do/did you vape?
Your top 2024 shoegaze song
What do you guys think about Nu-Gaze? Gen Z clearly grew up listening to the music of their Gen X parents. (Playlist included)
Random Places That Would Make Good BF Maps - Madison, Wisconsin
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X
Seasonal vibes with title fight
What are some mind-blowing facts about Hum?