If you dont hold it you dont own it
Why does my charge history show “other” when I only charged at home during this time frame?
New to gold investing. Everyone tells me this is the worst time to buy in.
It’s happening
This is what happens when you try to sell a 40k vehicle for 80k. 😂 No one wants to buy it. Not. Too mention how ugly it is. Would rather take an 81 delorean over the cybertruck.
Stack growing day by day
New rotors rusted after 1 week, pads not seated correctly?
January saw biggest car border crossing drop since pandemic -. Buy Canadian victory.
Clearing paths for doggies in Alcona.
Aw look they’re frolicking in a field together
Possibly a dumb inquiry, but I’m curious how you guys remove ice around the windshield wipers. They’re literally frozen shut, and I’m worried about damaging the car if I attempt to hack away at the ice. 2020 M3.
Limit 1 transaction per membership
No one hates crypto more than crypto people right now.
Tesla was hit by a wave of protests over Musk, sales are crashing, insiders are waking up
How dumb would it be to take out a loan to buy silver?
Did You Clear Your Furnace Exhaust After the Snow?
CR-V vs. RAV4 – Help Me Decide!
Environment is still my #1 cause
Think gold will hit over $3,000 per oz by end of this month?
Snow blower question
Just out of town.
'Silver Is New Bitcoin': Peter Schiff Reveals Why
Canadian man sells both Teslas, cancels Cybertruck order to boycott Elon Musk
Farm fresh eggs?