Do you think there’s actually going to be a sex chapter, and if yes how will it be implemented
I know this will probably not happen but this would be a very interesting fight (especially with all of Rasputin’s potential abilities)
Who wins: Alternate Invisible vs Guardians of the globe
Be brutally honest, how do you think they’re going to die
Using his wit and intelligence how do you think Sang Woo would have tried to beat Mingle
Everything is fine now
show me your waifu
[WP] Enemies to lovers except they're soulmates and soulmates are physically unable to hurt one another, which they only find out when every attempt to kill each other fails spectacularly
[Loved Trope] Villain who makes heartfelt/genuine, no-strings-attached offer to the hero to join them w/a clean slate, no tricks, no plans to backstab, etc. [Bonus points if hero accepts and joins the baddies]
I love this pic a little to much
Who I think this new guy is
What chapter is this from?
How i think the relationship between every fighter is by the end of the round
Throughout all of history which one do you think killed the most human beings, famine or war?
What if Rudeus Got a Realistic Second Chance? 🤔
Throughout all of history which one do you think killed the most amount of human beings, famine or war?
Visualized: pretty much every single One Piece discussion
Fuck Saitama, tell me some characters that King can beat
What UI and UC