This is just my small collection
Phoenix and Vampire Weekend vinyls
My mom captured cutest pic of me with Of Montreal Sunlandic Twins 20th Anniversary vinyl
Insanely good ugh
I love how beautiful Sunlandic Twins 20th Anniversary vinyl is
Kevin talking about Sunlandic Twins 20th Anniversary tour
Found old pic of Kevin and Poppy
Listening to the 20th anniversary edition of Sunlandic Twins, I feel like such an idiot for not exploring more of their EPs holy shit
114395 is the number, one-one-four-three-nine-fiiiiive ♫
Sunlandic Twins 20th Anniversary is out
Sunlandic Twins Delxue/Remaster comes out tomorrow, WHO'S HYPED!?
Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes Isn’t Too Nostalgic
I need advice I never been this scared before
I need advice and help
how much longer do you think kevin can sing as high pitched as he does? theyre 50!
Menagerie Choir - Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse (Of Montreal)
What was like, the DUMBEST thing you said that made you realized that your ace
I'm really scared. I need help
I really thinking of who I am really.
What do you think they were going for on Lady on the Cusp?!?
My "Best of phase 1" playlist, did I commit any crimes?
Top 10 songs Of Montreal on Spotofy
Love this weird but beautiful community
Who are the people in songs?
listened to oslo in the summertime on snare lustrous doomings