I'm really happy right now
Precio Pc
Im tired of this piece of sh... called Windows 11
No se que hacer, embarace a mi amiga con derechos
Soy técnico de computadoras, pregunten lo que quieran.
Finally finished barbatarus
HG Gundam Calamity
Mobile Gunpla building station!
MS Maintenance Kit
Hand is very weak
Does Bandai give you a gift card or something for placing all the stickers and decals on this kit?
What's everyone working on?
Done! Just love the whole process
1st Kit done, I justo love it.
Can't wait to start with this 2 Bad boys
My new shellfish king, Sazabi.
Mi novia necesita una computadora de diseño gráfico.
Que tan caro sale armarse una buena pc aquí?
Paraíso socialista de Bolizuela
Si pudieras regresar 10 años para hablar contigo, ¿Que te dirias?
Que hicieron con estas???
Que laptop elegir
Que el pueblo decida.
Galaxy A54 5G (SM-A546E) doesn't hasn't received a November Update yet