Being introverted and shy isn‘t a good thing and has no benefits
I hate people who say you're overthinking
The new war on the middle class is RTO.
Which characters would you trust with your drink?
Anyone over 25, drop your best relationship advice.
Share one mistake you've made in life so others can avoid it.
what is good class for doing dungens
Bands like new Within Temptation?
From learning to do pistol squats to never being able to walk properly
Battlecry 3 Was Such a Gem
I don’t think I’m feminine enough for men to like me
How do you guys feel about 13 yo old itachi being able to beat Orochimaru?
No-equipment exercises for picking someone up?
God I hate my life
Orochimaru was more powerful than Itachi but got nerfed.
How to combine the best of everything
Any other men had friends become distant after high school?
Is there any viable narrative backed evidence that Orochimaru the weakest of the Sanin (pre war arc)?
Percentage of women subjected to Genital Cutting (FGM) in the Middle East ♀️
Why does metal calm me down?
[spoiler] If Therese & Jeanette Voerman got a bigger role in the game what would you want her to do. Also specify what ending
Google Creator Summit Finally Ended
Real Ankaran Sarcophagus