Georgia Tech OOS cost is somehow on par with Virginia In-state
Engineering at UVA
Do you cross the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel to get to Norfolk?
I don’t want to here anyone complaining
Pomona time?
Please post countdown on Instagram Pomona 🙏
For those rejected/waitlisted at Northeastern, share your other college acceptances here
UVA This Friday
March 27: Let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake
Are any decisions coming out this week (March 10-14). Is so, which ones??
Do we think Pomona comes out next Friday?
I’m really tryna be a longhorn but price is ridiculous
Hot Take: ivy leagues are not worth it
Georgia tech, UVA, or UT Austin
Is this normal?
Anyone Established Domicile in Texas while at UT Austin
Sketchy Meningitis Email
Based On Vibe, How Many Engineering students are in the Engineering Honors program?
Engineering Honors Difficulty
Anyone know anything about UT Austin Engineering Honors?
Accepted UVA, GT, UT Austin!!
Can’t agree more
Any engineering majors accepted? If so, what major?
How Difficult would you say getting into Northwestern or NYU is compared to UT Austin and GT engineering
Got accepted into aerospace. Having a dilemma