J train down for the 82828283782837483827166rd time
Rate my white hive pls :D
Wsg guys
So boring smh
Advice for Highschool Junior
Stop joining gangs!! Youngins.
*Cuts off your third leg *
My son was strangled by his bully at school yesterday
Whats the most weird thing your parents have beat you with?
I had a premonition of a plane crash. Minutes later, I was standing on the pilot’s severed arm.
15F does anyone want to be friends???
How aware and conscious are ya'll of male socialization?
Fantasy Dream Route (B19)
I’m a shy girl, but my shyness is often mistaken for attraction, making men think I’m interested in them when I’m not. How can I avoid this misunderstanding?
Why am i cool on the internet but weird in real life
It’s going to be sunny 78° today what are y’all doing?
Do you like small or big classes
We only made it to telophase
can anyone give me a osu tablet? am poor
Who do you look up to?
What is the called ?
How do you deal with wanna be gangsters?
DAE find it harder(more uncomfortable) to make eye contact with someone wearing a mask
Do you know teen boys who wear shorts all year?