How To Tell If Your Whiskey Has Gone Bad in 8 Easy Steps
The woman with the handbag
No one could have seen this coming
Stan Laurel, 1913
Roger Corman directing William Shatner on location for THE INTRUDER (1962)
Claudette Colbert by Edward Steichen, 1927
What Did You Watch This Week?
Paul Sand, Ron Leibman, Robert Redford, and George Segal in New York City for The Hot Rock (Peter Yates, 1972)
What films have you recently watched? Weekly Discussion
The five Marx brothers, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, Groucho, Gummo
What Have You Been Watching? (Week of (March 23, 2025)
Harrison Ford during the filming of The Fugitive‘s parade scene, 1993
REMAKE, REMIX, RIP-OFF, a fascinating documentary (2015)
Steve Martin and Carl Reiner on set of THE JERK (1979)
In the Loop (2009) is a smart, timely and timeless comedy about the frightening vapidity of modern politics
Only known script of Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless to be auctioned online
Doris Day, aged 22, ca. 1946
Having trouble remembering an old film about grief
All Nazis Are Losers sticker
Stor dagligvarekoncern [Coop]: Fordobling i salget af Jolly Cola
What Have You Been Watching? (Week of (March 16, 2025)