Anyone know their shooting schedule?
No New Episodes Until April 3rd -- How Shall We Cope?
This has to be a blooper shot! Check out T-Money's facial reaction after he gets hit by Pete!!
Found my new summer hat at my local Walmart for only $4
why does the short version of smells like teen spirit exist?
What was the best era of the band? Nevermind? Bleach? In Utero?
I’m sure I’m not the first to do this, but Google didn’t provide any results.
What the fuck is this shit? (Context for post in the description)
Was there anything that could have been done to save Kurt Cobain's life?
For those who lived during the time, how massive was Nirvana really?
To those who want to grow their accounts
"Was Montenegro named as a joke to black people?"
Goofs & Continuity Mistakes
Flower hate
This appeared in my FB news feed.
Do You Think There's a Roundtable of "Good Cops" out there planning something?
I think my husband's gaslighting is creating Stockholm syndrome in our kids.
Democrats hate cancer patients
Moderates unite!
Why do you think Trevor did with the money he made from his job?
Trevor being a win is surprising.
The hot one is Trevor! (I’m sure he was upvoting every single entry for him one poke at a time!) Who’s the only normal person?
To be able to live in your own home
Where are all the protest songs?
Do you consider Trump a conservative?